Copying and pasting between different kits is also supported, and Dorico will look for identical instruments in the destination kit, even if the order of instruments in the grid or position on the five-line staff presentation is different, and map the material accordingly. from a pitched instrument to an unpitched instrument or a kit of multiple unpitched instruments. You can copy material from an unpitched instrument to a pitched instrument, or indeed from a percussion kit consisting of multiple unpitched instruments and paste them onto a pitched instrument (Dorico will attempt to maintain the relative staff positions of the notes in this case), and you can also copy in the opposite direction, i.e.

Thanks to some hard work from the team, the positioning of rests and tuplets has been significantly improved in Dorico 1.2.10, even for complex and irregular grid setups.Ĭopy and paste both within and to and from percussion instruments is significantly improved in Dorico 1.2.10. Grids are especially challenging because it is possible to arrange things such that the lines are unevenly spaced, and in Dorico 1.2 it was possible for rests and tuplets to end up in less than ideal positions – in extreme cases, it was even possible for half (minim) and whole (semibreve) rests to be left floating in space, rather than sitting on or hanging from a line, thus making the notation ambiguous. Improvements have also been made to the appearance of percussion notation laid out on grids. Furthermore, ghost notes (noteheads in parentheses) are automatically played back at a lower dynamic level. For example, playback of playing techniques for percussion instruments is now much more reliable in general, and the playing technique overrides set up in the Playback of Articulations and Tremolos section of the Percussion Instrument Playing Techniques dialog now play back as expected.

The suite of features for working with unpitched percussion added in Dorico 1.2 was very significant in scope, and we knew of a couple of rough edges that needed to be smoothed away as quickly as possible following its release, so that has been the primary focus for Dorico 1.2.10.
#Sibelius 5 percussion map not changing update#
Read on for all the details, or if you can’t wait, go and grab the update now.
#Sibelius 5 percussion map not changing free#
We are delighted to announce the release of Dorico 1.2.10, free for all existing Dorico users, which is focused around polishing the revolutionary new unpitched percussion features added in last December’s Dorico 1.2 update, but adding a few other modest improvements along the way, including system dividers, wings on repeat barlines, and a handful of other changes.